Singing Teacher Glasgow, Previous Performances

"This was a truly stunning and inspiring performance. It was also informative, both for “those in the know” and the other lesser mortals like myself. The programme was fascinating, complex and challenging. The delivery was excellent and admirable for the time taken to engage the audience, whilst managing not to have this compromise the performance. I hope there will be more to come."
"Stunning programme; electric performance. Loved it all!"

"I very much enjoyed the evening. Although so much of the music was completely new to me, Louise and Ingrid's short addresses to the audience with helpful translations and background to each piece were incredibly helpful both in improving our appreciation of the pieces but also setting a friendly and warm atmosphere. I thought it was an excellent idea to pair the Schumann with the more contemporary pieces. This, and the fact that each piece was not over long, made it an accessible programme. I think the ticket price was about right - good value for money for such a high standard of performance. Perhaps charge an extra couple of pounds next time - it's definitely worth it. "

"I really enjoyed the concert. Louise has a wonderful voice and presence and performed the songs flawlessly. She poured her heart into the performance. My particular favourite was "Lullaby for James" by Dee Isaacs. It was profoundly moving in its simplicity as was "In the end is my beginning."
"It was amazing and astounding. The new works were diverse, sensitive and beautifully textured. Louise Macdonald's voice was sublime, wonderfully complemented by Ingrid's sensitive playing. Venue was superb too."